Welcome To Our Blog.

Hi Everyone. Welcome to The Blog of The Big Empty Wall Gallery. Here we hope to keep you up to date with all the latest news from our online gallery. We also want to bring you occasional posts from the artists involved, so that you can get to know them and the work that they produce.

We're always happy to hear from of you and we hope that you'll subscribe to the blog and keep in touch!

And don't forget to visit the site that it's all about....

Thursday, 1 March 2012

Luke Berry is CFU March Calendar Image

If you flick your Cambridge Fans United 2012 calendar over to March today you will find that Luke Berry is featured as this months image.

This image (along with many others) is available from www.bigemptywall.com as a stunning canvas wrap.

Click here to go straight to the gallery page for this image, where you'll find details of pricing and sizes, and from there you can easily navigate to see the rest of the Cambridge United image range.

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